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Sunday. A pause in the week. To relax in crisp, white sheets, airy with lavender. To unwind ... and go wherever the mood takes you. Out to the garden. Into the greenhouse, twisting tomatoes fresh from the vine. Earthy, leafy and full of sunshine. A hearty lunch. A breezy walk.... Sunday. A pause in the week. To relax in crisp, white sheets, airy with lavender. To unwind ... and go wherever the mood takes you. Out to the garden. Into the greenhouse, twisting tomatoes fresh from the vine. Earthy, leafy and full of sunshine. A hearty lunch. A breezy walk....
  • Sunday. A pause in the week. To relax in crisp, white sheets, airy with lavender. To unwind ... and go wherever the mood takes you. Out to the garden. Into the greenhouse, twisting tomatoes fresh from the vine. Earthy, leafy and full of sunshine. A hearty lunch. A breezy walk. Then paradise. A plate of sweet almond macaroons with a pot of steaming tea. Vanilla-soft and coconut rich. Sleepy by the fire. Smoky incense curling into the air. No need to think. Easy ... just like Sunday.
  • Glasshouse tomatoes. Earthy, leafy and full of sunshine. Crisp with stem-green galbanum. Lively with artemesia, fruity with cassis, resting on a cushion of moss. Tangy and evocative.
  • Burn time: 45 hours
  • Sunday. A pause in the week. To relax in crisp, white sheets, airy with lavender. To unwind ... and go wherever the mood takes you. Out to the garden. Into the greenhouse, twisting tomatoes fresh from the vine. Earthy, leafy and full of sunshine. A hearty lunch. A breezy walk. Then paradise. A plate of sweet almond macaroons with a pot of steaming tea. Vanilla-soft and coconut rich. Sleepy by the fire. Smoky incense curling into the air. No need to think. Easy ... just like Sunday.
  • Glasshouse tomatoes. Earthy, leafy and full of sunshine. Crisp with stem-green galbanum. Lively with artemesia, fruity with cassis, resting on a cushion of moss. Tangy and evocative.
  • Burn time: 45 hours
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a ante nec sapien lacinia posuere eget id libero. Curabitur eu felis ut eros pharetra scelerisque. Suspendisse non tincidunt neque. Nunc imperdiet ornare porttitor. Fusce vulputate viverra feugiat. Duis maximus nibh leo, sed interdum nunc malesuada non. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus accumsan placerat rhoncus. Nunc sed bibendum mi, eu euismod dolor. Aliquam cursus diam ex, eu semper ex tempus vitae. Donec ligula velit, placerat quis auctor id, finibus ac nulla. Duis eget ante a dui maximus porta. Vivamus iaculis eu lorem ac tristique. Curabitur tincidunt ante volutpat arcu volutpat eleifend. Maecenas ac sem non justo porta convallis gravida nec massa. Quisque sodales interdum ligula eget tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a ante nec sapien lacinia posuere eget id libero. Curabitur eu felis ut eros pharetra scelerisque. Suspendisse non tincidunt neque. Nunc imperdiet ornare porttitor. Fusce vulputate viverra feugiat. Duis maximus nibh leo, sed interdum nunc malesuada non. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus accumsan placerat rhoncus. Nunc sed bibendum mi, eu euismod dolor. Aliquam cursus diam ex, eu semper ex tempus vitae. Donec ligula velit, placerat quis auctor id, finibus ac nulla. Duis eget ante a dui maximus porta. Vivamus iaculis eu lorem ac tristique. Curabitur tincidunt ante volutpat arcu volutpat eleifend. Maecenas ac sem non justo porta convallis gravida nec massa. Quisque sodales interdum ligula eget tincidunt.
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